Pronounced "e-us". Eius (Latin) is masculine, feminine and neutral It is his, hers, and theirs.

Eius Fertility wants to open the conversation on the disparity and bias around the fertility burden in assigned females and males at birth. Conversation and solutions, not more stigma.

We recognise that people are waiting longer to have children, but unlike fine wine and cheese, our gametes (eggs and sperm) do NOT improve with age.

Eius Fertility is at the forefront of cutting-edge science and therapies, formulated to support reproductive system health in both males and females.


That achieving pregnancy after your early 30’s can be tricky and may require a little scientific intervention.

Navigating all this can be confusing, all consuming and an emotional journey.

The reality is that despite the incredible advancements in assisted reproductive technologies, none of these interventions can improve egg and sperm quality - the main deciding factor of whether a pregnancy is viable. Egg quality plays a key role in ensuring the fertilised egg goes on to become a blastocyst, embryo and has a successful implantation- and the ultimate goal, a full term pregnancy. Sperm quality informs male fertility potential, sperm concentration, motility and morphology play a role in fertilisation rates in assisted reproductive technology.


Our team is dedicated to following the research and leading the way in ingestibles for reproductive system health. Eius is here to provide premium, science led, reproductive formulations..


Science Nerd + Nutritional Formulation Expert

Brittany Darling has spent the past decade working in the area of nutrition and fertility. Her experience working with these individuals and couples gave her the idea for these formulations. These combinations of active ingredients and dosages is what she has had compounded for the past 5 years since research has become available and she attributes many of her ‘amazing outcomes’ to these formulations.

She wanted to make this formulation available to everyone, not just those that could afford to see a clinician. It was also important that it was just one discreet but aesthetically pleasing bottle (to replace the multitude of supplements many people take). It is important to Brittany that the formulations are led by science.

Lee Elhage

Chief of Other

Lee Elhage is behind the scenes managing and coordinating the day-to-day business operations, aka Chief of Other! Lee has a background working for multinational pharmaceutical companies, including Mylan and Pfizer, specialising predominately in sales and training. Her work background and being a mother of three (including twins) make her the queen of multitasking.

Parenthood has brought Lee immense happiness, so teaming up with Brit to help connect others with the parenthood journey they deserve is a true honour and privilege.

Ame Tully

Eius Fertility Brand Warrior

Ame Tully is behind the scenes working to bring the Eius Fertility brand to life. With a background in nutritional medicine and marketing, Ame is passionate about raising awareness around the conversation of reproductive health. She wants to empower individuals, couples and the future generations about the importance of reproductive care throughout life, not just when assisted reproductive technologies become the only option.