5 Ways to Enhance Egg Quality
It’s probably not the first time you’ve heard the phrase ‘quality over quantity’, and, in terms of fertility, this idea is also important. Whilst, during fertility treatments, we can get obsessive over the number of eggs found in AMH testing, the quality of those eggs is probably more crucial to achieving a positive pregnancy outcome.
After all, you really only need one viable egg to make a baby…
Firstly, What is Egg Quality?
Egg quality refers to the health and viability of a woman’s eggs, which significantly influences fertility. The quality of eggs declines with age, typically starting in the late 20s and accelerating after the age of 35. As eggs age, they are more prone to chromosomal abnormalities, making conception more challenging and increasing the risk of miscarriage or genetic disorders.
Can You Change Egg Quality?
The good news is that there are things you can do that can help to optimise the quality of your eggs. Factors such as diets high in sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol, excess pollution, or smoking cigarettes have been shown to negatively impact the quality of a woman’s eggs, resulting in poor response to ovarian stimulation and worse embryo development.1 On the flip side, certain dietary and lifestyle factors can support egg quality.
While we can’t reverse the aging process or change genetic factors, adopting a healthy lifestyle and making informed choices can potentially optimize egg quality and improve overall fertility outcomes. Remember, it’s not just about quantity but also about the quality of eggs when it comes to achieving the dream of parenthood.
1. Setti, Amanda Souza, Gabriela Halpern, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira Braga, Assumpto Iaconelli Jr, and Edson Borges Jr. "Maternal lifestyle and nutritional habits are associated with oocyte quality and ICSI clinical outcomes." Reproductive BioMedicine Online 44, no. 2 (2022): 370-379.